Edwin Muhumuza

Edwin is a national youth leader and a climate change activist with passion and special interest in environmental and climate change issue. Edwin has over 7 years experience in environmental and Climate Change issues with special focus on its vulnerability on the young people of Uganda.  He mainly advocates for the inclusion of young people in climate change plans and negotiations both nationally and internationally. Considering that young people have a right enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children and youth to have their voices heard on matters that affect them.

Edwin is a member of YOUNGO, a UNFCCC observer constituency of youth non-governmental organizations where children and youth participate in the UNFCCC intergovernmental processes. He was also nominated the African Region Coordinator for the International Youth Climate Movement/Contact person for IYCM in Africa under UNFCCC-YOUNGO.

Edwin is the Founder and CEO of Youth Go Green Uganda, an umbrella organization for all young people engaged in climate change interventions in Uganda.  This is a platform for the youth towards building a prestigious network of young African leaders who shall be at the forefront of change and innovation in their respective communities.

He has been a member of the Uganda National Youth Council where he served as a District Youth Chairperson. He’s also a former candidate for the position of the Youth Member of Parliament of Uganda.